got any doubts? Check our FAQs and get your Bitcoin mining machine today!

Bitcoin mining hosting is a service that allows individuals or businesses to securely and efficiently operate dedicated hardware equipment to mine Bitcoin in a professional data center. This service provides benefits such as stable power supply, cooling, security, and technical support to ensure optimal mining performance.

You purchase ASIC equipment and we send your Bitcoin newly purchased mining hardware to the hosting facility, where it is installed and connected to the necessary infrastructure. Pyminers provides power, internet connectivity, cooling, maintenance and security services while you monitor and manage your mining operations remotely.

  • Access to professional-grade facilities and infrastructure.
  • Reduced downtime and increased mining efficiency.
  • Reliable power supply and backup systems.
  • Enhanced security measures on site.
  • Expert technical support and maintenance services.
  • Potential cost savings on electricity and cooling.

Pyminers hosting services cater to both individual miners and large-scale operations. You can choose a package that aligns with your specific mining needs, whether you have one miner or a vast mining farm, Pyminers is ready to host and secure your operation.

Pyminers hosting plans typically vary in terms of power capacity, energy consumption and support services. Evaluate our mining equipment characteristics, power requirements and your budget to select a plan that fits your needs.

Pyminers hosting packages include:

  • Space for your mining equipment.
  • Power supply and consumption tracking.
  • Dedicated Internet connectivity.
  • Cooling systems.
  • 24/7 monitoring and support.
  • Secure hosting facility with 24/7 security, surveillance and access control.

Yes, you can access and manage your mining equipment remotely through access to the dashboard provided by Pyminers. This allows you to monitor performance, check statistics, and make necessary adjustments.


Every machine have a monthly admin fee for the maintenance, security and support of all the equipment and facility. This monthly admin fee starts at $14.99 USD in purchases from 1 to 4 machines, $12.99 USD for purchases of 5 to 9 machines and $9.99 USD for purchases of 10 or more machines. 

Pyminers hosting facilities implement strict security measures, including surveillance cameras, access controls and physical security personnel. Providing a secure mining facility is one of the top priorities for Pyminers. 

Yes, all of our mining equipments have 1 years guaranty with the manufacture in case of malfunction. 

Billing is based on the amount of power consumption and a monthly administrative fee. We will bill you a fixed monthly statement for electricity and administration fees. Every quarter you will get a statement of electricity used and then will get the balance to of usage, any remaining fund will be used as credits for energy consumption.

Bitcoin mining equipment is configured to automatically adapt to changes in the Bitcoin’s network difficulty level. 

While Pyminers hosting services work with the highest technical standards, there are risks that can include equipment failure, market volatility, and rewards adjustments. 

Send us a message of choose your miners in our Shop and Start mining today!

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