Effective November 1st, 2023

This Agreement, referred to as the ” Hardware Purchase Agreement,” defines the terms and conditions governing your acquisition of Mining Hardware, as defined herein, through www.pyminers.com website, (the “Site”). This Agreement establishes a contractual relationship between UAB Ramp me (“we,” “us,” or “our”) and the customer mentioned in your order documentation (“Customer,” “you,” or “your”).

It becomes effective when you submit your Purchase Order (“Effective Date”) and is subject to periodic updates as specified below, with the most recent version accessible at www.pyminers.com. Customer affirms its legal capacity to enter into contracts and, if acting on behalf of an entity, represents its authority to bind that entity.

Definitions of capitalized terms can be found in Section 9.



1.1.  Order of Hardware: Customers must place a Purchase Order via the Site or other approved methods. This Purchase Order constitutes an unalterable offer to acquire specific Hardware from either us or a designated third-party seller, as specified in the Purchase Order. Each Purchase Order is subject to the terms of this Agreement, which are integrated by reference. Incase of a conflict between the Purchase Order and this Agreement, the Purchase Order prevails exclusively for that specific order. The estimated unit hashrate may change during production.

1.2.  Payment and Delivery: Payment terms are detailed in Section 2. We are responsible for Hardware delivery to the specified Delivery Point.

1.3.  No Refunds, Returns or Exchanges: Customers acknowledge that Purchase Orders are irrevocable and non-cancellable, and ordered products and Hardware are neither returnable, refundable, nor exchangeable. Payments made to www.pyminers.com are non-refundable except as expressly outlined in Section 6.1. Refund requests due to shipment delays caused by third parties are not accepted, and www.pyminers.com bears no responsibility for any delay-related damages. Hardware delivered to non-www.pyminers.com hosting facilities is ineligible for hosting at a www.pyminers.com Hosting Facility, returns, refunds, or exchanges, unless otherwise agreed in writing. www.pyminers.com does not guarantee private sales of Hardware unless conducted through the www.pyminers.com Marketplace.

1.4.  Discontinuance: Customers acknowledge that Hardware availability is subject to the discretion of the relevant Manufacturer and may be modified or discontinued at any time. www.pyminers.com assumes no liability for Manufacturer-driven unavailability, modifications, or discontinuations.



2.1.  Purchase Price: The Purchase Price, as indicated in the Purchase Order, reflects the cost of the Hardware. Unless specified otherwise, full payment is due before title transfer to the Customer. Coupons issued by Hardware Manufacturers are passed onto the Customer by applying discounts from the coupon to the Purchase Price. Packaging costs, transportation costs, taxes (except for income taxes), duties, export or custom charges, VAT charges, and related fees are excluded from the Hardware price and are the Customer’s responsibility.

2.2.  Payment: Payment must be made in U.S. Dollars (USD), Euros (EUR) or Tether coins (USDT) during the checkout process or according to the Purchase Order. www.pyminers.com reserves the right to sell the Hardware to other parties until full payment is received. Billing errors do not affect the Customer’s obligation to pay the Purchase Price. The Customer authorizes www.pyminers.com to place and pay for the order upon full payment.



3.1.  Shipment: Delivery is “duties paid” (“DDP”). The Delivery Date is an estimate and may change. www.pyminers.com will make reasonable efforts to adhere to Delivery Dates but is not liable for shipping delays. Customer-caused, Manufacturer-driven, or third-party-related delays do not hold www.pyminers.com responsible for damages.

3.2.  Delivery Point: Hardware can be delivered to a www.pyminers.com Hosting Facility for Hosting Services as outlined in a separate Hosting Service Agreement with www.pyminers.com. Alternatively, Customers may designate a different Delivery Point not utilizing www.pyminers.com Hosting Services. Failure to provide a valid or accurate delivery address may incur additional costs. Hardware delivery is considered complete after the self-pick-up notice is issued. Hardware delivered to non-www.pyminers.com facilities is the sole responsibility of the Customer.

3.3.  Cancellation or Modification: Purchase Orders cannot be modified, terminated, or canceled without written consent from www.pyminers.com, which may be withheld at www.pyminers.com’ discretion.



4.1.  Term: This Agreement initiates upon the Customer’s payment during the checkout process.

4.2.  Termination: The Agreement remains in effect until the last Hardware delivery and full payment of all fees, costs, and expenses. It may terminate immediately, with certain provisions surviving termination (Section 10.9).



5.1.  Authority and Capacity: Both parties represent their legal capacity, authority, and compliance with applicable laws to execute and fulfill this Agreement.

5.2.  Title to Customer Hardware and Receipt of Mining Rewards: Customers declare clear title to Hardware, free of security interests, and the right to use, operate, and locate it. Receipt of Mining Rewards adheres to applicable laws.

5.3.  Accuracy of Customer Information: Customer-provided information must be accurate and kept up to date. Customer agrees to provide necessary information and documents for compliance purposes.

5.4.  Export Regulations: Customers are responsible for compliance with export control and sanction laws, regulations, and orders, indemnifying www.pyminers.com for any related breaches.

5.5.  FCPA; Anti-Bribery: Both parties commit to compliance with anti-bribery laws and will not engage in any prohibited activities. Customer indemnifies www.pyminers.com for damages resulting from violations.

5.6.  OFAC: Parties shall avoid transactions with individuals or entities listed by OFAC. Customers indemnify www.pyminers.com for claims arising from non-compliance.

5.7.  These terms and conditions, while rephrased, preserve the core concepts and responsibilities outlined in the original text.



6.1.  Majeure Events: www.pyminers.com shall not be held accountable for any losses, damages, shipment schedule alterations, or delivery failures caused by Force Majeure Events. The timeframe for performance will be extended by a period equal to the delay resulting from such an event. In cases where the Hardware supply is insufficient due to a Force Majeure Event, www.pyminers.com may, without liability, allocate the available Hardware supply among present and future customers, including itself. This allocation will be at www.pyminers.com’ discretion, ensuring the Customer receives a partial Purchase Price refund for undelivered Hardware due to this allocation. However, if the Hardware cost exceeds the Purchase Price due to a Force Majeure Event, www.pyminers.com may choose to terminate the transaction without liability, refunding the entire Purchase Price for undelivered Hardware. Nevertheless, www.pyminers.com retains the right to terminate or suspend this Agreement in the event of a Force Majeure Event preventing performance, impracticality, or non-compliance with applicable laws, regulations, orders, or requirements. Importantly, a Force Majeure Event does not permit the delay of any Purchase Price payment by the Customer.

6.2.  Warranty Disclaimer: www.pyminers.com assures that the Hardware will be in good working condition upon delivery to the Customer and that it possesses the ability to provide clear title to the Customer. Except for these assurances, www.pyminers.com makes no other representations or warranties regarding the Hardware’s condition. The Hardware is sold “as is” and “with all faults,” and www.pyminers.com explicitly disclaims all other warranties, including implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Furthermore, www.pyminers.com is not responsible for any cryptocurrency mining time or revenue losses caused by Hardware downtime, nor does it guarantee that the Hardware will meet the Customer’s expectations or operate uninterrupted and error-free.

6.3.  Limitation of Liability: Neither party will bear any obligation or liability for incidental, indirect, consequential, multiplied, punitive, special, or exemplary damages, or for the loss of revenue, profit, savings, or business related to this Agreement, regardless of whether such party or its representatives were advised of the possibility of such damages. Both parties acknowledge that these exclusions of potential damages were a crucial consideration in establishing the terms of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, www.pyminers.com’ total liability under this Agreement, arising from or related to the Hardware, will not exceed the payments received from the Customer for the applicable Hardware.

6.4.  Inspections and Returns: If the Hardware is covered by the Manufacturer’s warranty, the Customer is responsible for returning the defective Hardware to the Manufacturer at their own expense, following the Manufacturer’s warranty process. In the event of any refund, replacement, or repair request, the Customer must directly contact the Manufacturer. www.pyminers.com has no obligation to replace, return, or deal with the Manufacturer concerning defective Hardware.

6.5.  Indemnification by www.pyminers.com: www.pyminers.com commits to indemnify and protect the Customer from any incurred costs, expenses, losses, damages, or liabilities resulting from third-party claims alleging a breach or misstatement in www.pyminers.com’ representations and warranties made in this Agreement.

6.6.  Indemnification by Customer: The Customer commits to indemnify and protect www.pyminers.com and its affiliates from any damages, suits, claims, judgments, liabilities, losses, fees, costs, or expenses, including legal fees, arising from various circumstances outlined in this Agreement.



7.1.  General: Both parties acknowledge that their employees or agents may encounter or obtain Confidential Information from the other party while fulfilling their responsibilities under this Agreement. They may not use, disclose, or reproduce this Confidential Information except to the extent necessary to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement. Confidential Information may only be disclosed to individuals with a legitimate need to know, or as otherwise explicitly permitted in this Agreement. The parties must employ appropriate measures, at least commercially reasonable ones, to safeguard Confidential Information.

7.2.  Return of Confidential Information: Upon termination, expiration, or upon request by the other party, each party must return or, if applicable, destroy and delete all Confidential Information and copies thereof in their possession or control.

7.3.  Privacy: www.pyminers.com guarantees compliance with all applicable privacy laws throughout the Agreement’s term and ensures that its employees, contractors, and other customers comply with these laws to the best of their ability.

7.4.  www.pyminers.com Proprietary Information: Except for the rights expressly granted in this Agreement, all customer relationships, proprietary rights, and intellectual property rights related to www.pyminers.com’ data remain www.pyminers.com’ exclusive property.

7.5.  Government Inquiries and Investigations: www.pyminers.com may cooperate with government or legal investigations related to the Hardware purchased or Hosting Services provided to the Customer, which may include disclosing Customer’s identifying information.



8.1.  Mediation and Binding Arbitration: Parties agree to resolve disputes related to this Agreement through a two-step procedure: non-binding mediation and binding arbitration under applicable laws. Mediation and arbitration will follow the laws of Republic of Lithuania.



9.1.  Business Day: Any day other than Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday holidays.

9.2.  Confidential Information: Information of a party, including business plans, strategies, financial data, and proprietary details, which may not be disclosed except as necessary to fulfill obligations under this Agreement.

9.3.  Delivery Date: The estimated date for Hardware delivery to the Customer or designated hosting location.

9.4.  Force Majeure Event: An event beyond a party’s reasonable control, such as natural disasters, government actions, or acts of third parties, which may result in delayed or failed performance.

9.5.  Hardware: Cryptocurrency mining hardware specified in the Purchase Order.

9.6.  Hosting Facility or Hosting Partner: Data center owned or operated by www.pyminers.com or its partners.

9.7.  Hosting Service: Services provided by www.pyminers.com to the Customer, including space, electricity, monitoring, and Hardware support, subject to a separate Hosting Service Agreement.

9.8.  Losses: Damages, judgments, liabilities, losses, and expenses, including legal fees.

9.9.  Manufacturer: The entity manufacturing the Equipment specified in a Purchase Order.

9.10.      Purchase Order: Customer’s order for Hardware.

9.11.      Purchase Price: The total price for the Hardware specified in the Purchase Order.



10.1.      Captions and Section Headings: Captions and section headings are for convenience and not part of this Agreement.

10.2.      Consent to Electronic Business: Parties consent to electronic transactions and disclosure related to this Agreement.

10.3.      Entire Agreement: This Agreement, including any additional documents, constitutes the entire agreement, superseding all prior agreements.

10.4.      Governing Law: This Agreement is governed by laws of Republic of Lithuania.

10.5.      Injunctive Relief: Parties agree that breaches of confidentiality may result in irreparable harm, allowing for injunctive relief in addition to damages.

10.6.      No Assignment: Customer cannot assign this Agreement without www.pyminers.com’ written consent, but www.pyminers.com can assign without Customer’s consent.

10.7.      Notice: All notices must be in writing, and several methods of delivery are specified.

10.8.      Relationship of the Parties: This Agreement does not create an agency, employment, partnership, or joint venture relationship.

10.9.      Survival: Certain provisions of this Agreement, which, by nature, should survive termination, will remain in effect after termination.

10.10.   Waivers: Failure to enforce obligations under this Agreement can be waived, but this does not waive other obligations.

10.11.   Liquidated Damages Not Penalty: Parties agree that liquidated damages are not penalties and are reasonable.

10.12.   No Restrictions Against www.pyminers.com: Customer acknowledges that www.pyminers.com may sell other products to third parties, and this Agreement does not restrict www.pyminers.com in this regard.

10.13.   Counterparts: Electronic Execution: This Agreement can be executed in multiple counterparts, and electronic signatures are valid.



Last Updated: November 1, 2023



These Terms of Service govern your usage of our website and mobile app branded as PYMINERS.

Throughout this platform, “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to PYMINERS. By using this website, mobile app, or purchasing any items from us, you become a user of our “Services” and agree to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement (“Terms of Service” or “Terms”). This includes any additional terms, conditions, and policies referred to herein or accessible via hyperlinks. These Terms apply to all users of our platform, including browsers, vendors, customers, merchants, and content contributors.


Please take the time to carefully read these Terms of Service before accessing or utilizing our website or mobile app. By accessing or using any part of the site or app, you signify your acceptance of these Terms of Service. If you disagree with any part of this agreement, you may not access the Services. Your agreement to these Terms of Service is a representation that you are of legal age in your state or province of residence. If you are not of legal age in your state or province, you must obtain consent from a parent, guardian, caretaker, or another authorized individual for your use of the Services. Users under the age of 18 may not use our Services in any capacity. To access all available features and have a Prime Trust account, you must be 18 or older.

Any new features or tools added to our platform will also be subject to these Terms of Service.

You can review the most current version of these Terms at any time on this page. We reserve the right to update, modify, or replace any portion of these Terms of Service by posting updates or changes on our website. It is your responsibility to periodically review this page for any updates.

We will notify you of changes by updating the “Last Updated” date at the top of these Terms of Service. Continued use of the website after changes are posted constitutes acceptance of those


A breach or violation of any of these Terms may result in the immediate termination of your access to our Services.


Section 1.          Online Store Terms

1.1.      You are prohibited from using our products, including any items purchased through our Online Store, for illegal or unauthorized purposes. Additionally, you must not violate any laws in your jurisdiction, including copyright laws, while using our Services. For a detailed list of prohibited uses of our Services, please refer to Section 12.


Section 2.          General Conditions

2.1.      We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time and for any reason. Please be aware that while using our Services, your content (excluding credit card information) may be transmitted unencrypted over various networks and may undergo changes to comply with technical requirements of connecting networks or devices. Credit card information is always encrypted during transmission over networks.

2.2.      Without our express written permission, you may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or exploit any part of the Service, use of the Service, or access to the Service, or any contact on the website through which the Services are provided.


Section 3.          Accuracy, Completeness, and Timeliness of Information

3.1.      We are not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or currency of information available on this site. The materials presented on the Services are provided for general informational purposes and should not be the sole basis for making decisions. We recommend consulting more accurate, complete, or timely sources of information when making decisions. Any reliance on the material on this site is at your own risk.

3.2.      Historical information provided on this site is not current and is for reference purposes only. This includes historical information about miner profitability, which is not financial advice an should not be relied upon to predict future profitability. Your use of such information is at your sole risk.

3.3.      We retain the right to modify the contents of this site at any time, although we are not obligated to update information on our site. It is your responsibility to monitor changes to our site.


Section 4.          Modifications to the Service and Pricing

4.1.      Prices for our products may change without notice.

4.2.      We may, at any time and without notice, modify or discontinue the Service, or any part of it. We are not liable to you or any third party for any modifications, price changes, suspension, disruption, or discontinuance of the Service.


Section 5.          Products or Services

5.1.      Certain products or services may be exclusively available online through our website. These items may have limited quantities and are subject to our Purchase Policy and Resale Policy for returns or exchanges.

5.2.      We make every effort to accurately display the colors and images of our products on the store. However, we cannot guarantee that your computer monitor’s display of any color will match what is shown on our website.

5.3.      We reserve the right, but are not obligated, to limit the sales of our products or Services to specific individuals, geographic regions, or jurisdictions. We may exercise this right on a case-bycase basis and may limit the quantities of any products or services offered. All product descriptions and pricing are subject to change at our discretion, and we may discontinue products at any time. Any offers for products or services on this site are void where prohibited.

5.4.      We may refuse any orders placed with us. In our sole discretion, we may limit or cancel quantities purchased per person, per household, or per order. These restrictions may apply to orders placed using the same customer account, the same credit card, or the same billing and/or shipping address. If we cancel an order, we will attempt to notify you via the email address or billing address/phone number provided when the order was made. We reserve the right to limit or prevent orders that, in our judgment, appear to be made by dealers, resellers, or distributors.

5.5.      In the future, we may introduce new Services and features through the website, including new tools and resources, which will also be subject to these Terms of Service.


Section 6.          Accuracy of Billing and Account Information

6.1.      You agree to provide current, complete, and accurate purchase and account information for all purchases made at our store. You must promptly update your account and other information, including email addresses and credit card information, including expiration dates, to enable us to complete your transactions and contact you as necessary.


Section 7.          Optional Tools

7.1.      We may provide access to optional third-party tools over which we have no monitoring, control, or input.

7.2.      You acknowledge and agree that we offer access to these tools “as is” and “as available” without any warranties, representations, or conditions of any kind and without any endorsement. We are not liable for any issues arising from your use of optional third-party tools.

7.3.      Your use of optional third-party tools on the site is entirely at your own risk and discretion, and you should familiarize yourself with and agree to the terms provided by the relevant third-party providers before using their tools.


Section 8.          Third-Party Links

8.1.      Our Service may include content, products, and services from third parties.

8.2.      Third-party links on this site may direct you to websites not affiliated with us. We are not responsible for examining or verifying the content or accuracy of these sites. You acknowledge that visiting these third-party sites is done at your own risk. We do not guarantee or accept responsibility for any third-party materials or websites or any other materials, products, or services provided by third parties.

8.3.      We are not responsible for any harm or damages arising from the purchase or use of goods, services, resources, content, or any other transactions made in connection with any third-party websites. Please carefully review the policies and practices of these third parties and ensure you understand them before engaging in any transactions. Any complaints, claims, concerns, or questions related to third-party products should be directed to the third party.


Section 9.          User Comments, Feedback, and Other Submissions

9.1.      If you submit specific materials at our request (e.g., contest entries) or spontaneously submit creative ideas, suggestions, proposals, plans, or other content, whether online, by email, by postal mail, or through other means (“comments”), you grant us the unrestricted right to edit, copy, publish, distribute, translate, and use such comments in any medium at any time. We have no obligation to maintain comments in confidence, compensate for comments, or respond to them.

9.2.      While we may monitor, edit, or remove user content that violates these Terms or is deemed unlawful, offensive, threatening, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, or otherwise objectionable, we are not obligated to do so.

9.3.      You agree that your comments and any content you post or submit will not violate the rights of any third party, including copyrights, trademarks, privacy, personality, or other personal or proprietary rights. Your comments will not contain libelous, unlawful, abusive, obscene, or any harmful material, nor will they include computer viruses or malware that could impact the functionality of the Service or related websites. You may not use a false email address, impersonate others, or mislead us or third parties regarding the origin of any comments. You are solely responsible for the comments you make or content you submit, including its accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for comments or content posted by you or third parties.


Section 10.       Errors, Inaccuracies, and Omissions

10.1.   Occasionally, our site or Service may contain information with typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions related to product descriptions, pricing, promotions, offers, product shipping charges, transit times, and availability. We reserve the right to correct errors, inaccuracies, or omissions and to change or update information or cancel orders without prior notice, even after you have submitted an order.

10.2.   We have no obligation to update, amend, or clarify information on the Service, including pricing information, except as required by law. The presence of a specific update or refresh date in the Service should not be interpreted as a modification or update of all information in the Service.


Section 11.       Prohibited Uses

11.1.   In addition to other prohibitions listed in the Terms of Service, you may not use the site or its content for the following purposes:

i.            for unlawful activities;

ii.           to solicit participation in unlawful actions by others;

iii.          to violate international, federal, provincial, or state regulations, rules, laws, or local ordinances;

iv.         to infringe upon our or others’ intellectual property rights;

v.           to harass, abuse, insult, harm, defame, slander, disparage, intimidate, or discriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, age, national origin, or disability;

vi.         to submit false or misleading information;

vii.        to upload or transmit viruses or other malicious code that may affect the functionality or operation of the Service or any related websites, other websites, or the Internet;

viii.       to collect or track the personal information of others;

ix.         to spam, phish, pharm, pretext, spider, crawl, or scrape;

x.           for any obscene purpose; or

xi.         to interfere with or bypass the security features of the Service, related websites, other websites, or the Internet. We reserve the right to immediately terminate your access to the Service or related websites for violating any prohibited uses.


Section 12.       Disclaimer of Warranties; Limitation of Liability

12.1.   We do not guarantee that your use of our Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or errorfree.

12.2.   We do not warrant that the results that may be obtained from the use of the Services will be accurate or reliable.

12.3.   You acknowledge that we may deactivate the Services for indefinite periods of time without notice, and we reserve the right to cancel the Services at any time.

12.4.   You expressly agree that your use of, or inability to use, the Services is at your sole risk. The Services and all products and services delivered to you through the Services are provided “as is” and “as available” for your use, without any representation, warranties, or conditions, either express or implied. These include implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, merchantable quality, fitness for a particular purpose, durability, title, and non-infringement.

12.5.   In no event shall PYMINERS, our directors, officers, employees, affiliates, agents, contractors, interns, suppliers, service providers, or licensors be liable for any injury, loss, claim, or any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special, or consequential damages of any kind, including lost profits, lost revenue, lost savings, loss of data, replacement costs, or similar damages, whether based in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise, arising from your use of the Services or any products procured using the Services, or for any other claim related in any way to your use of the Services or any product, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any content or any loss or damage resulting from the use of the Services or any content (or product) posted, transmitted, or otherwise made available through the Services, even if advised of their possibility. Some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so in such states or jurisdictions, our liability shall be limited to the minimum required by law.


Section 13.       Indemnification

13.1.   You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold PYMINERS and our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, officers, directors, agents, contractors, licensors, service providers, subcontractors, suppliers, interns, and employees harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorney’s fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach, whether intentional or not, of these Terms of Service or the documents they incorporate by reference or your violation of any law or the rights of a third party.


Section 14.       Severability

14.1.   If any provision of these Terms of Service is found to be unlawful, void, or unenforceable, that provision shall still be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. The unenforceable portion shall be severed from these Terms of Service, leaving the validity and enforceability of all other remaining provisions intact.


Section 15.       Termination

15.1.   The obligations and liabilities of the parties incurred before the termination date shall survive the termination of this agreement for all purposes.

15.2.   These Terms of Service remain effective unless terminated by either party. You may terminate these Terms of Service at any time by notifying us that you no longer wish to use our Services or when you cease using our site. However, resuming use of our Services means you are subject to the then-current Terms of Service.

15.3.   If we, at our sole discretion, believe that you have failed to comply with any term or provision of these Terms of Service or have reason to suspect such failure, we may terminate this agreement at any time without prior notice and may deny you access to our Services (or any part thereof).

15.4.   You agree to remain liable for all obligations and amounts due up to and including the date of termination and/or denial of access to our Services.


Section 16.       Entire Agreement

16.1.   These Terms of Service, along with any policies or operating rules posted on this site or related to the service, constitute the entire agreement between you and PYMINERS and govern your use of the Services. These Terms of Service supersede any prior or contemporaneous agreements, communications, and proposals, whether oral or written, between you and us, including any prior versions of the Terms of Service.

16.2.   Ambiguities in the interpretation of these Terms of Service shall not be construed against the drafting party.


Section 17.       Governing Law & Waiver

17.1.   Any dispute related to the Services shall be adjudicated under laws of Republic of Lithuania. Legal disputes shall be brought in courts according to the laws of Republic of Lithuania with subject matter jurisdiction. Furthermore, you agree not to bring any claim in any representative or class-action capacity or permit your claim to be adjudicated by another as your representative. Instead, you agree to seek adjudication only for your own personal claim.

17.2.   Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.


Section 18.       Changes to Terms of Service

18.1.   You can review the most current version of these Terms of Service at any time on this page. The “Last Updated” date at the top of the Terms of Service indicates when the latest version was posted on the website. Unless otherwise stated, changes to these Terms of Service are effective upon posting.

18.2.   We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to update, modify, or replace any part of these Terms of Service by posting updates and changes on our website. You are responsible for periodicall checking our website for changes. Your continued use of our website or the Service following the posting of any changes to these Terms of Service constitutes acceptance of those changes.


Section 19.       Contact Information

For questions about the Terms of Service, please contact us at info@pyminers.com

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